We sort of had a halloween week this year. Our ward had a huge fall festival last week, trunk or treating included. We dressed up and had soo much fun. Of course I forgot the camera. Jenna trick or treated at preschool and Kallie went to a carnival with a friend. Then on Fri, we went to Blizzard and trick or treated. We hit the mother load of chocolate candy there. By Sat, we were done with Halloween. We had dinner early, got into pj's, and watched a movie together. Maybe now that this month is over, my kids will sleep well again. The girls, especailly Kallie, are afraid of most Halloween things. They don't like going anywhere near the Halloween aisles at the store. Last year while trick or treating, there was a guy that had a scary mask and chainsaw and was chasing people. Yeah, not sure when we'll trick or treat to houses again.