It's been over a month now. We don't know how to stay in one place:) Byron left for CA to go back to work for Blizzard Ent. He is loving his job, which we are very thankful for. We decided that the kids and I would stay in Idaho until school was over. We have been able to do this thanks to wonderful family and friends (you know who you are). This is the last week of school. We plan to fly by the seat of our pants for the summer. Some time here in Idaho, some time in UT, some time in WY with my parents.
Disclaimer: it gets mushy from here, so feel free to stop reading, I just need to put some thoughts into words. It's not been easy being apart, but we are looking towards the future. I am so thankful to be married to such a wonderful man. We passed our eleven year mark (didn't really get to celebrate) a few weeks ago. It's crazy how our life has turned out, but I am thankful to have spent it with him. I never could have imagined the love that I feel for him now. Yes, we were young and didn't know anything, heck, we probably still are, but I am excited for the future.