This past weekend Evanston celebrated it's Railroad Days. It's a pretty historic part of town. Evanston has the only standing roundhouse in the country. They have started a restoration project which includes the buildings surrounding it. We saw all kinds of model train sets, rode on a mini train, and enjoyed popsicles. The kids really enjoyed it. We even got to take a ride on the train turntable.
As part of our fun weekend, we drove to the Uinta Mountains and stopped at Provo River Falls. It was so beautiful. The kids climbed all over the rocks and down the river and ended up in the water at a calm spot.
My brother and his girlfriend came for the weekend to go to the reunion. This was our fist time to meet Stacy and my kids were so excited. It was a really nice break for me. They (especially Corbin), wanted them (especially Stacy), to do everything together. Sorry Unca, we still love you though.
We went to Geneva, Idaho for Boehme reunion. The kids had so much fun running free. Kallie was out and about most of the day, until she had an allergic reaction to something. Her eyes swelled almost shut and were covered with hives. She recovered just in time to help milk cows and feed the calves. Then she got a motorcycle ride and got a burn on her leg. (City kids, I know) Thanks to my cousins for being so great and letting them help. Corbin also got a ride on a motorcycle, he was sooo gidy. One of his first words was motorcycle.