The boys have their bday's within 4 days of each other. We celebrated lots. Byron wanted his mom's angel food cake with chocolate frosting on it. Now, I've tried hard to recreate the great things that she makes. Some times I do pretty good, other times...not so much. The cake tasted good, but it kind of fell. Not sure if it was the oven or the way I mixed it.

It's fun that my boys like to do the same things. We went to Dave & Busters to celebrate. It's basically a really, really cool Chuck E Cheese; except they have really great food. Some of the games give tickets to earn for prizes from the big D & B store.

Jenna taking a turn at Whack a something.

The Birthday Boys got a yummy brownie with ice cream and tons of whip cream. We had to practically yell to sing happy birthday because it is so loud there.

Corbin got a ton of tickets on one of the first games he played. Kallie would only play the games that gave tickets. She actually got the jackpot on one game which gave 1000 tickets. They shared the tickets (because we made them) and all three kids were able to get some fun prizes.

Corbin decided since we had had cake just a few days before for Byron's birthday, he wanted birthday ice cream. He was so excited to go to the store and pick out his own flavor. It's hard to put candles in ice cream.