Friday, September 26, 2008

The munchkins

My three munchkins: Kallie (6), Jenna (3), and Corbin(21 months). It's not the most recent photo but it's hard to get them all still at the same time. Well it's hard to get the younger two to be still at all!


The Yates Family said...

Krista! I have been trying to track you down for a while now! First I tried to find you through Nathaniel on Facebook, then other avenues. Anyway, blah blah blah. How are you? Your family is so cute. Where in Cali are you? We're in Vegas. Oh, so much to catch up on. Anyway, thanks for finding me. Our email is


Brooklyn said...

So cute! I am so excited to be a part of your adventures! Keep it coming! Love you girl!

Nathaniel Boehme said...

Holy crap, its a good thing I'm coming to visit, its been FAR too long since I've had my fix of those kids :-)

Elizabeth said...

Goodness, Kallie looks so grown up! It's so fun to see pictures! I look forward to more...