Monday, May 25, 2009

Our little tough Guy!

No, I do not beat my child. Corbin is such a crazy boy and here are just a few examples. Thankfully not all at the same time. He got the bruises on his head from falling on the pavement. We went for a walk after a rainstorm and he fell twice in the same spot. It took over a month before the bruises in his eye sockets went away. And the hand...2 cuts and 7 stitches on his little ring finger. He was trying to be a big boy and use the folding step stool.
Posted by Picasa Corbin was so excited when daddy brought home an old helmet. He wanted to wear it for days!


doug said...

sounds like he could make good use out of the helmet just to protect him from himself :)

Elbert and Jennifer said...

That's gonna leave a mark...oh wait, it did...a big one.