Sunday, January 4, 2009

Corbin's B-day

Happy Birthday Baby boy! My little man is 2 years old. We celebrated at Chuck E. Cheese with cousins and friends from AZ. Corbin loves Chuck E. and talks about it all the time; especially the Bob the Builder ride. We had only been there once, but he cried for Chuck E. at least once every few days. Corbin is such a sweet boy. He does have a lot of trouble in him too. He talks about as much as his sisters do and he gets into things twice as fast. He loves to make you laugh and it is nice to finally have a little one that likes to snuggle.
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Leenie said...

Thanks for posting the pictures and sharing the joy. Hope we can get together in the near future! Give the kids extra hugs from us.

Unknown said...

He is growing! so fast! Hug him tight for us! ;)