Wednesday, August 31, 2011


After staying a week with Byron's family we headed to Wyoming for a week of adventures with my family.  Most of the pictures were taken by someone other then me.  Maybe a youngin?

That's what we call "wrastling."

Jenna the supermodel...but only when she's in the mood.

Just chillin' at grandma's.

On the way home from Bear Lake.  Aww the technology age.

Griffin had a great time.

I didn't plan on getting wet...until I fell off the jet ski.

We had breakfast one morning at a great cafe in Immigration Canyon.  It was so beautiful and sooooo delicious.


Leenie said...

You must have had a GREAT time! Jealous of your trip to Bear Lake. Your photographer youngin has a good eye. Way to go all of you! (Wish I could have seen that jet ski crash)

Leenie said...

BTW--hope we get a print of at least one of those superb family pics you had taken in Wyoming. hint, hint.